The number of veterans incarcerated in state and federal prison and local jail decreased from 203,000 in 2004 to 181,500 in 2011-12. The total incarceration rate in 2011-12 for veterans (855 per 100,000 veterans in the United States) was lower than the rate for nonveterans (968 per 100,000 U.S. residents).
Civil Law
There are many areas of law that veterans are in need of services for. So many in fact, that VLSN can’t possibly answer all of them in the best professional manner. Recognizing that fact, we work with attorneys and paralegals around the state to find the right legal skill set for the veterans problems that match up with practitioners who do work in those areas.
There are also some areas of the law that relate to military personnel such as divorce, child support or debt collection, that VLSN staff can answer general knowledge questions on. If further assistance is still needed we will forward the veteran or family member on to uniformed or civilian counsel for further representation as needed.

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