We are well aware we would not be able to help as many veterans and families without your support. Your gifts are making a difference in the lives of those who have taken up arms in defense of this country.
Get Involved
There are many ways to get involved to assist veterans and their families. We are VLSN are tied into many local, regional and national organizations that assist veterans, active duty members and their families. The need is so great, that we will be fortunate to meet half of it. The reality is that like most low cost or free legal services providers, the need will always outweigh the resources. However, as a positive thinking, forward looking organization, we look to who and what we can do to help, not on that we cannot. Every volunteer of time, talent and treasure assists us in our mission to ensure that every veteran or active duty service member and their family will have assistance working their way through the very American legal system that they swore to uphold and protect.
How you can help!
THANK YOU for any gift you can make to help us support veterans and their families.
VLSN is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. This means that your financial gifts are tax advantaged to the full extent of the law. Please mail your gifts to :
Veterans Legal Support Network
2801 Harvell Cir
Bellevue, NE 68005
The following have made generous contributions of time, talent and treasure to VLSN to help us sustain operations to assist veterans and their families. We could not keep going without them.
Judy Wagoner, Wood River, NE
Mary Frances Wagoner, Wood River, NE
The Stoka Foundation, Miami Beach, FL
Nicolette and Andrew Barber, Corning, NY
Renze Display, Omaha, NE
Fraser Stryker, PC LLO, Omaha, NE
Ellen Haynes, Grand Island, NE
Christa A. Nelson, Photography and Design, Marion IA
Lori Pagel, In-House Marketing, Salt Lake City, UT
Chad and Kalli Mustard, Omaha, NE
Kind World Foundation
Mike Daeges, Omaha, NE
Suzanne Kaufman McNamara, Bellevue, NE
Eddie Nelson, Omaha, NE
Jim McGough, Omaha, NE
Thank you!


As a new nonprofit, we are constantly learning and meeting friends and supporters of veterans and their families. One of our focus areas of growth is the utilization of volunteers. While we do not have the full list of all of our needs, we will be working towards utilizing attorneys, paralegals and notary publics. We are also working within the veterans support community and their many nonprofits and volunteers in order to assist our veterans that are facing the criminal justice system. We are creating a roster of all these supporters. If you would like to be on it, please let us know and we would be more than happy to add you to our Network.
In the philanthropic world, we speak of Time, Talent and Treasure. We will need all three of those to support our veterans, but Time and Talent that is given highlight that personal dedication for which our region is so well known.
The following is a list of attorneys, paralegals and other professionals who have actively assisted veterans in need. These wonderful people are the N in our name (Network). As a nonprofit we will unfortunately, not be able to meet all the needs that are present in our veteran community. These patriotic Americans are doing their part to actively “support the troops” because anyone can say it, these folks have actually done it.
Legal Services we Provide

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We post to our Facebook page regularly. You fan like and follow our page here. You will find updates regarding upcoming events and how you can get involved with VLSN.
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